Store Wide Discounts
With our Store Wide Discounts you don't have to buy multiples of the same item to get a better deal. Order any combination of products, 2 of this, 1 of that, 5 of the other. When your total hits $20 you receive an automatic 5% discount. Save 10% when your order hits $35. Order $60 in merchandise and save 15%. If your order totals $100 or more, you receive a 20% discount. Discounts are figured at checkout based on your order total. There are no coupon codes to enter. It's all done automatically.
Exclusions: On Sale and Free Shipping items are excluded from Store Wide Discounts.
Order Amount
$20.00 to $34.99 - save 5%
$35.00 to $59.99 - save 10%
$60.00 to $99.99 - save 15%
$100.00 to ? - save 20%